Monday 23 July 2012

How To Get Rid Of Fleas

Adult Flea
One pest which nobody wants in their home or at their place of work is fleas. This is especially true when on holiday which unfortunately is one place where they can be rife depending on which hotel you stay in that is.

For those that don’t know what fleas are I will give you a brief description. They’re basically parasites that live off the blood of mammals such as dogs and cats as well as ourselves.

Just like ants, they have super abilities for their size as they can jump exceedingly high considering the fact that they are no bigger than the size of an ant. So with this in mind they’re very good at getting about and jumping from one host to another. They’re also very good at camouflage and can hide between cloth fibers for long periods at a time.

So it’s important to take action immediately as soon as you spot them hopping about. If you live in London just call up directory enquiries and tell them what you are looking for along with your location. In this instance you would say pest control London. You can tackle this problem yourself as there are a number of flea killing products out there but you have to be wary that some can be harmful to surrounding plants and animals. This includes your pets of course and so caution has to be taken when applying such products. This is why in a lot of cases it’s just better to have a professional come in and do it for you instead. At least you’ll have piece of mind that the problem has been eradicated.

Now that’s what to do once you have a flea infestation but as they say, prevention is better than the cure so it would be wiser to try and stop such problems arising in the first place.

Now what I’m mentioning now isn’t always possible but if you happen to know where all the fleas are laying their eggs you can nip the whole thing in the bud by applying specially formulated flea killing egg and larva chemicals. As a preventative measure you could always spray down potential areas where fleas might appear but only think about doing this if you have had previous flea problems and know of where the infestation originated. In terms of what products to buy this is where your pest control Bristol guy comes in as professional pest controllers are very clued up on such matters.

If you want to reduce the chances of getting fleas in your home then you need to realize where the fleas are likely to come from and then combat that issue directly. One of the most common ways fleas can come into the home is through your pets, especially if you have cats that you let out to roam outside. Fleas will often jump on such hosts wherever the opportunity arises and thus, will often jump off and land on the carpet to lay eggs which further exasibates the situation.

So the first line of defense is to make sure you use specially formulated flea powder on all your pets. Make sure you get a product that kills both fleas and eggs and once that is done be sure to buy them a collar as well. Between having the color and powder this should drastically cut down the chances of your pets getting fleas.

Pest Control Tips : How to Get Rid of a Flea Infestation

As a matter of precaution make sure to check your pet’s fur by running a comb through it. If you see anything moving as you do this then the likelihood is that your pet has fleas. From this point on you will need to do a thorough clean of your house using a good vacuum cleaner to suck up any fleas that may be living or hiding in the fibers of your carpet. Also keep a lookout for anything moving that shouldn’t be and check your own hair to make sure none have jumped onto you as well.

Once you have taken all the necessary steps you can by using flea products and cleaning, if the problem still persists then you will need to call in your pest control Bristol company or where ever it is that you reside as they should be able to treat the flea problem with a full fumigation.

You can also get anti flea products for your back yard and garden as well which is a good idea, especially when you have pets. Just check out the various products and make sure that they are effective for fleas but non-toxic for plants and other animals.

If you follow these steps in the fight against flea infestation you should have no problem for the foreseeable future.

Tuesday 26 June 2012

How To Remove Bed Bugs

Have you noticed and strange-looking rashes or nondescript clustered insect bites that have appeared on your skin time and time again? Maybe you had it checked up by a physician yet it always seems to come back? Have you been having a recurrent itching of various parts of your body? Have you been having a fitful sleep only to wake up in the morning feeling as if you haven’t gotten any rest at all?

One possible cause of all your symptoms is the infamous bedbug. The popular bedtime saying, “Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite,” is actually based on fact. Bedbugs are tiny insects similar to lice and fleas that need to feed on blood in order to survive. If there are no other warm-blooded creatures in the vicinity, expect that you’ll become their natural target. And despite the fact the more common species can actually survive a whole year without feeding on blood, a more common scenario involves them stealthily gorging themselves on your blood for approximately 5 minutes every 5 to 10 days when you sleep at night. Thus, a serious bedbug infestation could mean many more days of suffering from rashes, allergies and restless sleep.

Before you take it upon yourself to learn how to remove bed bugs you have to identify if you really have a pest problem at all by inspecting your bedding, mattresses and other possible areas where these bloodsuckers may reside. Sometimes, simply overturning your mattresses cab reveals clumps of their casts, feces, and tiny rice-like eggs. You may even notice tiny spots of blood on your linens. If you don’t find anything conclusive, a pest control London company may have dogs that are trained to accurately detect the presence of bedbugs 100% of the time. Once you’ve confirmed your suspicions, you need to implement pest control measures as soon as possible to remove any bedbugs that may be lurking.

Although it is not easy to get rid of these parasitic little critters, you can still do your part by clearing them away one step at a time. The first step involves cleaning house. Thoroughly dust and vacuum every crevice of your bed, bed frame, mattress, sofa bed, and even your carpeting and rug, any place which harbor the insects. Don’t just jump from one area to another. Systematically start from the “dead ends” or areas of the home where the bedbugs will not easily transfer from one place to another, your bedrooms.

Starting with your bed, strip off your pillowcases, sheets, blanket, drapes and curtains, and launder them. Afterwards, place them in the dryer with settings on high for around 7 minutes, as these bugs often survive mere laundering. Alternatively, you can cool the articles down to 0o Celsius for 4 days or so to kill these resilient pets.

In the meantime, you have to vacuum your pillows and mattresses meticulously, not forgetting the edges and seams which may harbor the bedbugs of their eggs. Wrapping the mattresses with good quality light-colored covers will not only make it difficult for the insects to lodge in between seams and depressions, but the light color will make them a lot easier to find.

Vacuum your bed frame and furnishings as well, since the bugs can also lodge in between woven material and inside crevices. Once you’re satisfied, clean other articles that may have brought in the bedbugs within them such as suitcases used for travel, baskets and so on. If you have pets, you have to ascertain that they are not the ones bringing in these bugs. If you do suspect this, give them a thorough cleaning, as well. Lastly, vacuum the floor and get rid of unnecessary clutter for the final touch. Then, you can focus on other rooms of the house, again paying particular attention to areas that you sleep in, such as the living room sofa.

If these measures are not adequate for effective pest control, you can opt to employ both organic and chemical anti-bedbug treatments. Do your research beforehand and use only those that are safe for indoor use.  If the bedbugs persist even if you’re applied the pesticides properly and according to instructions, that would be the time to seek professional help by calling up a pest control Hertfordshire firm or wherever it is you live, to come and sort the problem out for you once and for all. Hopefully though you won’t need to go to the added expense.

Bedbugs are one of the more difficult pests to manage because they can be brought in by both living and non-living carriers. Coupled with their amazing ability to survive long periods of time without feeding as well as extremes of humidity and temperature, effective pest control can be very challenging, although fortunately not impossible. Good luck!